Counseling for ACOA, LGBT, and Narcissist Abuse

Counseling for Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA)

I help you to make sense of the family chaos and the irrational messages you received about yourself – and the world – from growing up with an alcoholic or an addicted or abusing parent. The survival techniques you learned in childhood are often ineffective as an adult.

We want to replace those old techniques with new ones. Doing so will allow you to have healthy relationships, establish a healthy sense of self, and communicate effectively. In the process, I’ll assist you with understanding the impact of family dynamics on your sense of self and to grieve the loss of healthy parenting.

Counseling for LGBT

Whether you’re in the early stages of questioning and discovery, coming out, or planning to transition, as a gay-friendly therapist I provide a safe place for LGBT clients to explore issues of sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

I’ve worked with LGBT clients of all ages, as well as with their families, to help them understand that a broad range of expression exists.  Regardless of age, many LGBT clients experience a kind of “second adolescence”.  This can be both exciting and confusing.  I help you to understand your own developmental processes, to explore matters of risk, and to make informed decisions.

Couples therapy with LGBT clients recognizes the unique concerns of same gender and gender-neutral relationships.  Partners may have differing levels of comfort with being out, difficulty with differentiation in the couple’s relationship, and differences in acceptance from their families.

Counseling for Narcissist Abuse

I am trained in Dr. Karyl McBride’s ground-breaking Five-Step Recovery Model.  Thanks to her work, there is much more awareness about the debilitating effects that growing up with a narcissistic parent has on one’s sense of self, and on one’s perception of what constitutes a healthy relationship – with anyone.  I welcome the opportunity to help you learn how to identify narcissism, how to heal from it, and how to avoid narcissistic relationships in the future.

I look forward to working with you! Get in touch for a no-cost initial phone consultation, here.